Fallout 4 character face changes color
Fallout 4 character face changes color

Appear more appealing and natural-looking.This is just one of those mods you install because it’s nice to have, y’know? This mod will make the moles on your character look more natural and pleasing to the eyes. If you don’t want your sole survivor’s skin to be pristine, but don’t want a blemish that could be seen from a mile away either, then you’re in luck. This mod by ANiceOakTree aims to change the original Fallout 4 facial moles to be “less distracting”. Here’s a small mod that claims to do exactly what it says.

fallout 4 character face changes color

With so many options to choose from, I’m sure you’ll be able to customize your character with the eyes of your dream. The eyes themselves are of higher quality, with better high-resolution textures, doubling that from the vanilla eyeballs. This mod by LogRaam pretty much proves that by adding a ton of options in terms of eye colors and shades. The eyes in Fallout 4 aren't bad, but it’s plain and can be better. Comes in both males, females, and facial hair.This mod is perfect for those who want to keep the vanilla feel of the game. Want a mohawk but still have some hair on the sides? Go ahead. Do you want that side-shaved look with a ponytail? Sure. It offers over a hundred different hairstyles by combining the currently existing vanilla hairstyles and turning them into hybrids of themselves. How many times are you going to go for the same old elegant hairstyle for a female character or the casual or rebel hairstyle for a male? I’d say, it’s time to “mix” it up. The hair options in Fallout 4 leave much to be desired.

fallout 4 character face changes color

No, I’m not talking about gameplay mods I’m talking about body mods.Īren’t you tired of playing as the same old Nate or Nora preset? Well, buckle up, because today, I’m gonna list down for you 15 body mods that you can install to make your dream character in Fallout 4. If you just let out a groan when looking at these two, then I believe your game needs a makeover. You sit through the cinematic, remembering how awesome the lore of Fallout is, and when the fog clears up, you’re met with this. You load up the game, choose a difficulty setting, and hit “New Game”. So you want to start a new playthrough of Fallout 4. How would you like to play Fallout 4 in your ideal body?

Fallout 4 character face changes color